St. Matthews is at 4 Elizabeth Avenue in Esko.

How to find us (click on the map):

From Midway Township: Go west on the North Cloquet Road to County Road 1 (Canosia Road). Turn left. Remain on CR1 into Esko, turning left at the junction of Highway 61. Take the first left onto Juntunen Road and then an immediate right onto the service drive. Take the first left onto Elizabeth Avenue and a right into the church parking lot. 

From Carlton: Go north on County Road 1 (Thomson Road) into Esko, turning right at the junction of Highway 61. Take the first left onto Juntunen Road and then an immediate right onto the service drive. Take the first left onto Elizabeth Avenue and a right into the church parking lot. 

From Duluth via I-35: Exit at #242 (Esko). Take a right turn at the top of the exit ramp onto County Road 1 (Thomson Road). Follow CR1 into Esko, turning right at the junction of Highway 61. Take the first left onto Juntunen Road and then an immediate right onto the service drive. Take the first left onto Elizabeth Avenue and a right into the church parking lot.

From Duluth via Highway 61: After crossing Jay Cooke Road, take the first right onto the service drive. St. Matthews will be about 1 / 16 mile on the right side. 

From Cloquet via I-35: Exit at #242 (Esko). Take a left turn at the top if the exit ramp onto County Road 1 (Thomson Road). Follow CR1 into Esko, turning right at the junction of Highway 61. Take the first left onto Juntunen Road and then an immediate right onto the service drive. Take the first left into Elizabeth Avenue and a right into the church parking lot. 

From Cloquet via Highway 61: After crossing County Road 1 in Esko, take the first left onto Juntunen Road and then an immediate right onto the service drive. Take the first left onto Elizabeth Avenue and a right into the church parking lot. 


